
Vic Roads - Water Mains relocation

Vicroads - Doyles Rd - Water Main Relocations

Description: Relocation of water mains

Girdwood Contracting was contracted to relocate existing water mains, to outside the new roundabout footprints to be constructed at the intersections of Old Dookie Rd & New Dookie Rd with Doyles Rd.

Site: Shepparton Victoria

Commenced: March 2019

Completion: July 2019

Girdwood Contracting was contracted to relocate the water mains at the intersections of New Dookie Rd & Old Dookie Rd with Doyles Rd which includes:-

  • 150-375 DICL pipe works
  • 100-200 PVC pipe works
  • Pressure & sterilization of new water mains
  • Main shut downs and connections
  • Grout filling redundant mains
  • Traffic management

Challenges in Production:

There was an extensive number of connections to existing infrastructure required by the project which all had to be scheduled with the water board and commercial customers. Following which the connections had to be completed as per the water board requirements and within time limits to ensure supply to customers.